Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- All the boxes must be ticked before you are allowed to proceed to the next section.
- Please choose the appropriate Section for the submission.
- This manuscript has not been previously published.
- This manuscript should be in the WORDS file as per the template, to be submitted in the Original File (Only 1 file allowed)
- For Malaysians, at least 1 author must be from an institution/organisation from abroad. Failing which additional surcharge of 100% of the Conference Registration Fees will be charged. Please refer to the List of potential Co-authors from abroad on the conf web. You need to obtain their approval first as your Co-author.
- Compulsory to email all documents submitted to the Conf Secretariat.
This manuscript should be submitted together in the Supplementary File (More than 1 file allowed) with the following:-
Conference Registration Form, Publishing Agreement, Non-refundable Fees (Abstract Fees OR Registration Fees & Publication Fees), and Appropriate ID (Student / AMER Membership Cert) - Successful manuscript to be published had attained an equivalent minimum Grammarly score of 90% for the English Language and Similarity Index (Plagiarism) of not more than 15%, based on Grammarly.
Copyright Notice
eISSN: 2398-4287 © Year. The Authors. Published for AMER & cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. Peer review under the responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), College of Build Environment, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.