
  • Jan. AicQoL2025Pangkor, Malaysia, 17-18 Jan 2025
    Vol. 10 No. 31 (2025)

    The hybrid WoS-indexed AicQoL2025Pangkor (13th AMER International Conference on Quality of Life), is the 48th international conference to be organised by AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers) held at the Puteri Bayu Beach Resort, Pangkor Island, Malaysia from 17-18 Jan 2025. It is fully managed by AMER’s subsidiary, emAs (AMER Event Management & Services) under emAs emAs Resources.
    The conference focused on Quality of Life (QoL) issues affecting the Asian/African/Arabian communities in both their countries and nons. Issues affecting other communities are also most welcomed.

  • Jan. International Social Science & Educational Conference 2024, Virtual conference, 07-08 Dec 2024
    Vol. 10 No. SI24 (2025)

    The virtual conference, themed "Empowering Knowledge: Driving Change Through Social Science and Educational Research" , is organised by CLM Publishing Resources, Malaysia. The conference aims to gather leading academicians, scholars and researchers to share their knowledge, new ideas and discuss current developments in their respective fields via an online platform. In addition, the conference also offers  opportunities for academicians, industry experts to interact with local and international participants. Overall 35 papers were selected for publication in this issue.

  • Oct. 8th Art, Craft and Design in Southeast Asia International Symposium, ARCADESA2024, ISI Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 27-28 Sep 2024
    Vol. 9 No. SI23 (2024)

    Amid global challenges such as climate change, rapid urbanization, and ecosystem degradation, the role of humans in maintaining environmental balance becomes increasingly crucial. Art, as one of the most powerful forms of human expression, has significant potential to foster awareness, change attitudes, and drive actions towards achieving sustainable human well-being. By involving art colleges from both domestic and international institutions, we aim to develop a deeper understanding of how art and creativity can serve as forces for social and environmental transformation. Interdisciplinary collaboration is essential in addressing these complex issues. Art functions not only as an aesthetic medium but also as an educational and advocacy tool that can influence environmental and social policies. In this context, it is vital to understand and explore how art and human creativity can contribute to environmental balance and human welfare. Additionally, considering the impacts of technology and globalization, we seek to encourage local community participation in using their creativity to advocate for environmental sustainability and enhance overall societal well-being.

    With the conference theme “T​​ransformative Power of Art: Fostering Environmental Awareness and Human Well-being Through Creative Collaboration” the 8th ART, CRAFT, AND DESIGN IN SOUTH EAST ASIA INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM (ARCADESA) 2024 was organised by and held at the Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI), Yogyakarta, Indonesia on 27 – 28 Sep 2024. Overall 43 selected papers presented were published in this issue.

  • Oct. AicE-Bs2024Bandung, Indonesia, 04-05 Oct 2024
    Vol. 9 No. 30 (2024)

    The hybrid WoS-indexed AicE-Bs2024Bandung (12th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Environmental-Behaviour Studies), is the 47th international conference to be organised by AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers) in collaboration with cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies, College of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. AicE-Bs2024 co-hosted by the Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia was held at the Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel, Bandung, Indonesia from 04-05 Oct 2024. It was fully managed by AMER’s subsidiary, emAs (AMER Event Management & Services) under emAs emAs Resources.
    The conference focused on Environment-Behaviour issues affecting the Asian/African/Arabian communities in both their countries and nons. Issues affecting other communities were also most welcomed. Overall, 26 papers were presented during the conference.

  • Aug. International Conference on Public Policy & Social Sciences 2023, ICoPS2023Bosnia, 13-15 Sep 2023
    Vol. 9 No. SI22 (2024)

    The International Conference on Public Policy and Social Science (ICoPS) 2023 held from the 13th – 15th  Sep 2023, was organised by the Faculty of Administrative Science & Policy Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Seremban Campus, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, and International University of Sarajevo (IUS), Bosnia and Herzegovina. The hybrid conference was held at the International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. Themed “Contemporary Public Administration & Governance”, ICoPS 2023  aimed to provide a common avenue for researchers and scholars across the globe to present their research works and findings. A total of 63 selected papers were published in this special issue.

  • Jul. STELLAR2023Langkawi, 25-26 Oct 2023
    Vol. 9 No. SI21 (2024)

    The Symposium on Teaching Excellence, Learner-Driven Learning and Academic Research (STELLAR2023) was held at  the Adya Hotel, Langkawi, on 25-26 October 2023. It was organised by Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia  Office of The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International). Overall 9 selected papers were published in this issue.



  • Jul. NSSEC-24, 07 Jul 2024
    Vol. 9 No. SI20 (2024)

    The National Social Sciences & Education Conference (NSSEC-24) was virtually organised by CLM Publishing on 07 Jul 2024. The aim of the conference was to facilitate the exchange of cutting-edge research, theories and practices in social science and education among scholars, practitioners, and professionals. It provided researchers with an opportunity to present their latest findings and methodologies related to social science and education. Overall, 18 papers were selected for publication in this issue.

  • Jun. AQoL2024Izmir, Turkiye, 22-24 May 2024
    Vol. 9 No. 29 (2024)

    The hybrid WoS-indexed AQoL2024Izmir (08th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Qualty of Life), is  the 46th international conference to be organised by AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers) in collaboration with cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies, College of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. AQoL2024Izmir was co-hosted by the Faculty of Architecture, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkiye from 22-24 May 2024. Overall, 19 papers presented were published in this issue.

  • Mar. AcE-Bs2024Langkawi, 01-03 Mar 2024
    Vol. 9 No. 28 (2024)

    The WoS-indexed hybrid AcE-Bs2024Langkawi, 12th ASIAN Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies was held at the Holiday Villa Resort & Spa, Langkawi Island, Malaysia on 01-03 Mar 2024. The AcE-Bs2024 focused on Environment-Behaviour issues affecting the Asian/African/Arabian communities in both their countries and nons. Issues affecting other communities were also most welcomed. Altogether, the 40 papers published were presented at the conference. 

  • Mar. ABRIC2023Langkawi, 27 Sep 2023
    Vol. 9 No. SI19 (2024)

    The 5th Advances in Business Research Conference 2023, ABRIC2023 was held at the Resort World Langkawi, Langkawi Island, Malaysia, on 27 Sep 2023. It was organised by the Faculty of Business and Management, UiTM Puncak Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. 

    Transformation of digital economy is set to carry more weight in the future as the evolvement of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual Reality (VR), Big Data and Blockchain, Self-driving Cars, and others. Invention and innovation of digital novelties presented new opportunities towards businesses, government and societies in search for an  equitable and sustainable future readiness. Henceforth, the current economic landscape that built upon digital infrastructure insisted an in-depth discussions on phenomenon of digital transformation and sustainability. Thus, the conference theme “Embracing Digital Transformation: Empowering Sustainable Business Practice”.

    25 selected papers presented were published in this special issue.

  • Feb. AicQoL2024KotaKinabalu, Malaysia 26-28 Jan 2024
    Vol. 9 No. 27 (2024)

    The WoS-indexed hybrid AicQoL2024KotaKinabalu, 12th AMER International Conference on Quality of Life was held at The Magellan Sutera Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia on 26-28 Jan 2024. The AicQoL2024 focused on Quality of Life issues affecting the Asian/African/Arabian communities in both their countries and nons. Issues affecting other communities were also most welcomed. Altogether, 59 papers were presented at the conference. 

  • Jan. 2nd International Conference on Information Science, Technology, Management, Humanities & Business (ITMAHuB). Hotel UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia, 26-27 Sep 2023
    Vol. 9 No. SI18 (2024)

    The 2nd International Conference on Information Science, Technology, Management, Humanities & Business (ITMAHB), organised by the College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia was held at Hotel UiTM, Shah Alam, Malaysia, on 26-27 Sep. 2023. With the theme "Reimagining Information Science: Knowledge, Connectivity, and Community in the Digital Age", the prestigious event provided an international platform for academicians and researchers to share and exchange their ideas and research results dedicated to the advancement of theories and practice in the field of Information Science, Technology, Management, Humanities and Business.  It provided an excellent opportunity for the participants to enrich their knowledge through its broad and interdisciplinary programs including keynote speakers, research papers and postgraduate colloquium. In this issue 33 selected papers presented were published.

  • Jan. International Conference on Wood and Eco-Products (ICWEP 2022), Best Western Hotel, i-City Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, 15-16 November 2022
    Vol. 9 No. SI17 (2024)

    The International Conference on Wood and Eco-Products (ICWEP 2022) was held at the Best Western Hotel, i-City Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, from 15-16 November 2022. It was organised by the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam Malaysia & Research Nexus UiTM,Office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation).

    Papers presented were categorised under four tracks. Track 1: Wood and Non-Wood Sciences; Track 2: Eco-Materials and Products; Track 3: Management of Eco-Products and the Wood Industry; Track 4: IR 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing Technology.

    In this special issue, 49 selected papers are published.

  • Nov. Special Issue No. 16. CSSR2022ShahAlam.9th International Conference on Science and Social Research 2022, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia 14-15 Dec 2022
    Vol. 8 No. SI16 (2023)

    CSSR is a flagship conference under the Office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Universiti Teknologi MARA, to facilitate researchers to publish their research findings in indexed journals. It also acts as a platform for exchanging experiences and ideas and for researchers to disseminate and discuss the latest advancement related to their research fields.

    For 2022, in collaboration with Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) and Universitas Andalas (UNAND), both from Indonesia, CSSR provided a forum for the presentation and deliberation of research findings, as well as networking towards greater research impact, in line with 2022 theme. "Addressing Global Challenges for Societal Well Being".

    CSSR2022 virtual conference covered multi-disciplinary research from science and technology to social science and humanities. The conference track is divided into six areas, namely Industrial Technology (IT), Cyber Technology (CT), Health & Wellness (HW), Logistic & Transportation (LT), Energy & Environment (EE) and Social Creativity & Innovation (SCI). Overall, 38 papers were selected to be published in this special issue.

  • Oct. AQoL2023Bali, Indonesia, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2023
    Vol. 8 No. 26 (2023)

    The WoS-indexed hybrid AQoL2023Bali, 07th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Quality of Life was held at the Wina Holiday Villa, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia on 30 Sep-02 Oct 2023. The AQoL2023 focused on Quality of Life issues affecting the Asian/African/Arabian communities in both their countries and nons. Issues affecting other communities were also most welcomed. Altogether, 57 papers were presented at the conference. 

  • Dec. UiTM International Conference on Law & Society 2021 (UiTM i-CLaS 2022)
    Vol. 7 No. SI11 (2022)

    The UiTM i-CLaS 2021 was organised virtually by the Faculty of Law, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) on 01-02 Nov 2021. The conference provided an international forum for all to share experiences, knowledge, and innovation, encourage the flourishing of intellectual development and provided opportunities for networking and collaboration in a multi-disciplinary platform. It aspired to provide enriching opportunities that transcend the needs and demands of the last century to face our complex and challenging technology-impacted world.  It focused on interactive and adaptive research across all domains with the law as its embryo. Published in this issue are eight selected papers presented at the conference.

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