Supply Chain Integration: Establish the Appropriate Challenges in Improving Integrated SC in an Innovative Approach of IBS
Construction Environment, Industrialised Building System, Integration and Supply ChainAbstract
The shift to an integrated IBS construction approach requires enhanced supply chain integration to improve the productivity as well as the poor quality of human behavioual aspect in IBS project. This paper is to identify the challenges at each tier between players to facilitate supply chain integration among the IBS players. Findings adopted from semi-structured interview revealed the critical attitude issues of human factors, lack of interaction and sharing knowledge between interdisciplinary people. The findings of this study is useful to improve integration of supply chain and enhance innovation and sharing interaction between players in the IBS Malaysian construction project environment.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Ani Saifuza Abd Shukor, Muhammad Fadhil Muhammad, Shamsida Saidan Khaderi, Faridah Muhammad Halil
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