Assessing Readiness for Self-Directed Learning among College Students in the Provision of Higher Learning Institution


  • Norshidah Nordin Faculty of Education Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kampus Seksyen 17, 40200, Shah Alam
  • Nurhazwani Abd Halim Faculty of Education Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kampus Seksyen 17, 40200, Shah Alam
  • Melissa Malik Faculty of Education Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kampus Seksyen 17, 40200, Shah Alam



Innovation, Self-directed Learning, Readiness, 21st-century Learners


Readiness for self-directed learning (SDRLS) is a necessary skill for 21st-century learners. Learners are expected to be responsible for their own learning. However, to what extend Malaysian students are ready to facilitate their own learning or are they still being spoon-fed? This study was intended to assess SDLRS among college students. It utilized a survey method research design. There were 136 diploma students participated in this study. The finding revealed that respondents' levels of SDRLS were high. There was significant difference between SDRLS and gender but no significant differences between academic achievement and hometown. The discussion addresses implications to educators in designing instructional strategies.


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How to Cite

Nordin, N., Abd Halim, N., & Malik, M. (2016). Assessing Readiness for Self-Directed Learning among College Students in the Provision of Higher Learning Institution. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 1(3), 91–101.



Educational / Learning Environment