Sex Change (Sex-Reassignment Surgery) without Medical Grounds in Indonesia: Conflict between Pancasila and Human Rights


  • Rima Yuwana Yustikaningrum Researcher, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia



Sex-Change, Non-medical Grounds, Pancasila, Indonesia


As a state that upholds the Pancasila as the nation's direction, Indonesia adjusts the values of human rights norms as the character of its country. Revealing divinity value as the first point in Pancasila Principle affects Indonesia's national policies and political views. However, this action is unsuitable for some court decisions granting sex-change cases. Some of the legal reasoning used in these decisions is considering human rights grounds by not considering the value of Pancasila principles. This article's purpose is to elaborate on the legal reasoning behind some court decisions that granted sex-change cases without medical grounds.


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How to Cite

Yustikaningrum, R. Y. (2022). Sex Change (Sex-Reassignment Surgery) without Medical Grounds in Indonesia: Conflict between Pancasila and Human Rights. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 7(SI11), 51–55.