Islamic Views on the Objectives of Social Media Usage: A systematic literature review
Hikmah, Social Media, Islamic CommunicationAbstract
Nowadays, the usage of social media is inevitable. While its expansion is welcomed, its adverse effects are also threatening. One of the areas that needs to be researched to combat those adverse effects is to see the role of objective-driven usage of social media, as many Islamic scholars believe that objective-driven action can lead to a better understanding of something and promote its proper conduct. This study aims to seek hikmah in using social media from an Islamic perspective, as has been studied by other researchers. Hikmah meant here is a deep understanding of the objectives to be achieved in conducting an action according to Islamic teachings. 22 research papers were reviewed from Web of Science, Scopus, ERIC, and Google Scholar from 2012 to 2022. The study found six main objectives of using social media from an Islamic perspective, namely to propagate Islamic teachings (da’wah), to build and sustain relationships (ukhuwwah), to educate to establish one’s character; to entertain well as to enjoin good and forbid harm.
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