Impact of Interest value, Social, and Economic Factors on the Application Intentions towards Gojek Startup among Job Seekers in the Jabodetabek Region


  • Vanessa Vanessa Department of Management, Faculty of Business, Multimedia Nusantara University, Indonesia
  • Wanda Gema Prasadio Akbar Hidayat Department of Management, Faculty of Business, Multimedia Nusantara University, Indonesia



Economic Value, Intention to Apply, Social Value


The attractiveness of employer branding strategies, particularly in startups such as the Indonesian fintech company Gojek, plays a pivotal role in drawing Generation Z's and Millennials' attention. This research aimed to empirically examine the influence of interest, social, and economic values on the intention to apply to Gojek among job seekers in the Jabodetabek area. Utilizing a quantitative research design, the study adopted a non-probability judgment sampling technique to select participants, surveying 150 Generation Z and Millennial job seekers. The data collected were analyzed through SPSS version 25. The outcomes indicated that the decision to apply is influenced concurrently by interest values, social values, and economic values. Specifically, the analysis revealed that interest value significantly enhances application intentions (t-count > t-table: 4,340 > 1,655), as do social values (t-count > t-table: 2,290 > 1,655) and economic values (t-count > t-table: 2,488 > 1,655). The study underscores the necessity for Gojek to bolster its value propositions, especially by fostering promising career paths aligned with the valued attributes and economic benefits, which are crucial factors in attracting job applicants. These insights advocate for a strategic emphasis on nurturing an employer brand that harmonizes with the aspirational and pragmatic expectations of contemporary job seekers, thereby enhancing their inclination to pursue employment opportunities within Gojek.


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How to Cite

Vanessa, V., & Hidayat, W. G. P. A. (2024). Impact of Interest value, Social, and Economic Factors on the Application Intentions towards Gojek Startup among Job Seekers in the Jabodetabek Region. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 9(SI19), 163–170.