Intrinsic Motivation, Life Satisfaction and Happiness: Students at higher learning institution in Malaysia


  • Muna Wadhiha Mohd Fauzi Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam Kampus, Bandar Puncak Alam, 42300 Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
  • Norashikin Hussein Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam Kampus, Bandar Puncak Alam, 42300 Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
  • Murni Zarina Mohamed Razali Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam Kampus, Bandar Puncak Alam, 42300 Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
  • Nur Aizureen Anwar Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam Kampus, Bandar Puncak Alam, 42300 Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
  • Norhayati Omar Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam Kampus, Bandar Puncak Alam, 42300 Kuala Selangor, Malaysia



Happiness, Intrinsic Motivation, Life Satisfaction


Happiness is currently one of the primary indicators of social progress in modern society, particularly among students at higher learning institutions. The study examines the relationship between intrinsic motivation, life satisfaction, and happiness. 285 business faculty students at a higher learning institution in Malaysia enrolled in a bachelor's degree programme received online surveys. The results demonstrated a positive and significant relationship between happiness and the two independent variables of intrinsic motivation and life satisfaction. This study sheds light on how offering extracurricular activities can boost students' pleasure in higher learning and improve students’ intrinsic motivation and life satisfaction


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How to Cite

Mohd Fauzi, M. W., Hussein, N., Mohamed Razali, M. Z., Anwar, N. A., & Omar , N. (2024). Intrinsic Motivation, Life Satisfaction and Happiness: Students at higher learning institution in Malaysia. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 9(SI19), 137–143.