Investigating Space Use Patterns in a Malaysian Hospital Courtyard Garden: Lessons from real-time observation of patients, staff and visitors


  • Madihah Mat Idris School of Architecture, Faculty of Social Science, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
  • Magda Sibley School of Architecture, Faculty of Social Science, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
  • Karim Hadjri School of Architecture, Faculty of Social Science, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom



Observation, Space Use Patterns, Courtyard Garden, Hospital


This paper examines the behaviour of users of a large central courtyard in a hospital with the aim to develop an understanding of the activities and the space use patterns of patients, staff and visitors. Video-based and direct observation, as well as behaviour mapping, were employed to investigate how different types of users interact with the courtyard garden. This study reveals that significant differences existed in the way different user groups utilised the courtyard garden on a daily basis and this was found to be highly influenced by the physical environment, the hospital opening hours and the courtyard micro-climate.

Author Biography

Madihah Mat Idris, School of Architecture, Faculty of Social Science, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom

PhD student , School of Architecture


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How to Cite

Mat Idris, M., Sibley, M., & Hadjri, K. (2018). Investigating Space Use Patterns in a Malaysian Hospital Courtyard Garden: Lessons from real-time observation of patients, staff and visitors. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 3(8), 32–45.