The Value of Financial and Non-Financial Information towards Non-profit Organisations


  • Hasnatulsyakhira Abdullah Hadi Faculty of Administrative Science and Policy Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia
  • Ahmad Naqiyuddin Bakar Faculty of Administrative Science and Policy Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia
  • Nurul Hidayana Mohd Noor Faculty of Administrative Science and Policy Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia
  • Afief El Ashfahany Islamic Economics and Law Departement, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia



Information Disclosure, Financial Information, Non-financial Information, Nonprofit Organization


The role of nonprofit organizations has been acknowledged. They are the providers of services that the government cannot handle alone. Accountability is an obligation to conduct and account for the company's performance. Information disclosure is one of the mechanisms used to be accountable to their stakeholders, which are financial and non-financial information. This study explored the importance of financial and non-financial information in NPOs and the Internet as the medium for disclosing information to stakeholders. This study applied a qualitative research design using content analysis. This research found that both types of information are crucial to NPOs.


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How to Cite

Abdullah Hadi, H., Bakar, A. N., Mohd Noor, N. H., & Ashfahany, A. E. (2022). The Value of Financial and Non-Financial Information towards Non-profit Organisations. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 7(21), 349–355.

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