Vol. 7 No. 21 (2022): Sep. AicE-Bs2022KotaKinabalu, Malaysia 07-08 Sep 2022

					View Vol. 7 No. 21 (2022): Sep. AicE-Bs2022KotaKinabalu, Malaysia 07-08 Sep 2022

Our 38th international conference, the WoS-indexed hybrid AicE-Bs2022 (10th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies), was held at The Magellan Sutera Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, on 07-08 Sep 2022. The AicE-Bs2022 focused on E-B (Environment-Behaviour) issues affecting the Asian/African/Arabian communities in both their countries and nons. Issues affecting other communities were also most welcomed. Altogether, 62 papers were presented at the conference.

Published: 2022-09-30


Children / Youth Environment

Commercial / Retail / Services Environment

Communications / Social Media Environment

Community Environment / Social Psychology

Design / Creative Environment

Educational / Learning Environment

Health / Healing Environment

Landscaping Environment

Local Cultural / Heritage Environment (Food included)

Policy Matters

Sustainable Environment

Technology-related Environment

Travel / Transportation Environment

Working Environment

Other Environment