Covid-19 Aftermath: Rebuilding the Economy – Criteria for Selection of Projects


  • Noor Zahirah Mohd Sidek Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia



COVID-19 Aftermath, Selection Criteria , Economic Recovery , Maqasid


This paper proposes two-stage evaluation criteria to prioritize projects that to rebuild the economy, promote inclusive growth, reduce poverty, and income inequality and deploy certain standards to ensure environmental sustainability. First, we propose a categorization of projects based on the maqasid shariah. The five (5) original maqasid include faith, human self, intellect, posterity and wealth. Then we extended the maqasid and formed eight (8) elements from the maqasid with a quantitative maqasid score. Second, five (5) thrusts are recommended for further filtration. Finally, the first and second stages are combined to generate specific scores which are used for selection purposes.



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How to Cite

Mohd Sidek, N. Z. (2022). Covid-19 Aftermath: Rebuilding the Economy – Criteria for Selection of Projects. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 7(SI9), 9–15.