Transforming Higher Education: A conceptual model for fostering career adaptability and mitigating turnover intention among Early Career Academicians (ECA)


  • Umi Nazira Rafie University College of Aviation Malaysia (UniCAM ), Bangi, Malaysia
  • Suriana Ramli Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM), Shah Alam, Malaysia
  • Norzanah Mat Nor Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM), Shah Alam, Malaysia



Career Adaptability, Turnover Intention, Early Career Academician (ECA) , Higher Education Institutions


Turnover intention among early-career academicians (ECA) can have detrimental impacts on the sustainability of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Hence, it is essential to investigate why ECA might devise a concrete plan to quit. Career adaptability is a critical determinant in minimising turnover intention as it may influence the ECA decision to remain in the organisation. However, career adaptability serves as two-edged swords as the literature has mixed findings. Drawing on the Conservation of Resource Theory (COR), this paper aims to reconcile the findings and unveil the link between career adaptability towards turnover intention mediated by work engagement.


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How to Cite

Rafie, U. N., Ramli, S., & Mat Nor, N. (2023). Transforming Higher Education: A conceptual model for fostering career adaptability and mitigating turnover intention among Early Career Academicians (ECA). Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 8(SI15), 133–138.

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