A Qualitative Study of the Dropout Risk Factors in Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
Student Dropout, Open and Distance Learning, Higher Education, Information ManagementAbstract
This paper addresses the perspective of undergraduate students of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) – a particular learning and teaching environment that is conducted virtually. This paper explores the ODL environment from the participants' perspective and focuses on 15 undergraduate students who dropped out of the academic course. This qualitative study aims to understand the reasons behind learners' decision to leave so that ideas might be developed for the successful implementation of ODL environments in the future that would appeal to all learners. The analysis showed that students left the class for eight factors: self-regulation, personal, teaching quality, environment, emotional, financial, communication and technological factors. The paper concludes by proposing several recommendations to reduce the risk of dropout for the successful future of ODL.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nora’ayu Ahmad Uzir, Muhammad Abdul Aziz Nur Izzuddin Izham, Irni Eliana Khairuddin, Wannisa Matcha

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