Conceptual Model of Information Elements of Agriculture and Agripreneurship
Information Management, Information Element, Agricultural Information, AgripreneurshipAbstract
This study examines the relevant and critical agricultural-related information available on the official government web portals of thirteen (13) agencies operating under the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA). A structured review of the agricultural-related content was conducted to identify information elements that hold significant value for aspiring agropreneurs. The primary goal of this study is to develop a model of an online platform consolidating essential agricultural information from various government agencies’ web portals. The model of information elements undergoes the validation process that comes from experts and potential agropreneurs. The method of research employs a qualitative research approach and adopts the interpretive research paradigm to analyze the collected data. More specifically, it adopts a hermeneutic approach to the analysis process. The focal point of this research is presenting the state-of-the-art of critical and relevant agricultural and agripreneurship information elements, which eleven (11) information elements of agricultural-related and agripreneurship form a cornerstone of this endeavor. It confines its scope to the official web portals of government departments and agencies under the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA). The ultimate contribution of this research lies in its ability to provide an intricate understanding within the realm of information management context of agriculture and agripreneurship that would cater to the potential agropreneurs or youths lacking prior agricultural knowledge and equipping them with essential information to embark on their journey.
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