Enhancing Quality of Life Through Thaharah Practice in Sunnah From al-Dihlawi’s Philosophy


  • Noraini Junoh Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, University of Technology MARA Kelantan Branch, Kelantan, Malaysia
  • Zanirah Mustafa@Busu Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, University of Technology MARA Kelantan Branch, Kelantan, Malaysia
  • Nik Muniyati Nik Din Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, University of Technology MARA Kelantan Branch, Kelantan, Malaysia
  • Fazrihan Duriat Business Faculty, Euclid University, 1101 30th Street NW Suite #500 (Fifth Floor) Washington, D.C. 20007 United States




Thaharah, Purity, Quality of Life, al-Dihlawi


Hygiene is critical for health and reflects one's character and societal advancement. Its inadequacy signals infectious diseases, notably in underdeveloped countries. A wholesome lifestyle, as delineated by WHO, encompasses physical, mental, and social well-being. The Prophet of the last semitic religion, Muhammad ﷺ stressed cleanliness as integral to faith. This paper scrutinizes the doctrine of taharah (purification) according to a well-known Muslim scholar, al-Dihlawi." He expounds on taharah in his book "Hujjah Allah al-Balighah, underlining both bodily and spiritual purity. He accentuates the correlation between external and internal cleanliness, pivotal for attaining spiritual contentment, thereby enhancing quality of life.


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How to Cite

Junoh, N., Mustafa@Busu, Z., Nik Din, N. M., & Duriat, F. (2024). Enhancing Quality of Life Through Thaharah Practice in Sunnah From al-Dihlawi’s Philosophy. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 9(27), 477–484. https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v9i27.5738