Modeling the Integration of Educational Technology in Vocational Colleges: Influencing Factors Among In-Service Teachers


  • Jiawen Yu Faculty of Chinese and Foreign Languages and Foreign Trade, Guangzhou International Economics College, Guangzhou, 510540, China;Faculty of Education, Language, Psychology, and Music, SEGi University, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, 47810, Malaysia
  • Yidan Hu Faculty of Chinese and Foreign Languages and Foreign Trade, Guangzhou International Economics College, Guangzhou, 510540, China
  • Li Min Faculty of Chinese and Foreign Languages and Foreign Trade, Guangzhou International Economics College, Guangzhou, 510540, China
  • Baoyu Qiu Faculty of Social Science, University of Macau, Macau
  • Shen Xi Faculty of Foreign Languages, Guangzhou College of Applied Science and Technology, Guangzhou,511370, China
  • Xianyan Da Faculty of Chinese and Foreign Languages and Foreign Trade, Guangzhou International Economics College, Guangzhou, 510540, China



Attitudes Towards Technology, Self-Efficacy in Digital Realms, Digital Literacy, Technology Utilization, Occupational Teachers at Vocational Colleges


This investigation examined the integration of digital technology by 681 vocational teachers in Guangzhou, focusing on Attitudes Towards Technology, Self-Efficacy in Digital Realms, Digital Literacy, and Technology Utilization. Employing Partial Least Squares Structural EquationModeling, the study revealed how these key factors profoundly influence and enhance digital technology strategies among occupational teachers. It identified attitudes, digital literacy, and technology applications as crucial intermediaries facilitating integration, providing a foundational model for improving educational technology practices in vocational institutions.


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How to Cite

Yu, J., Hu, Y., Li, M., Qiu, B., Shen, X., & Da, X. (2024). Modeling the Integration of Educational Technology in Vocational Colleges: Influencing Factors Among In-Service Teachers. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 9(30), 197–204.