Research on Professional Characteristics Influencing Work Engagement of Rural Early Childhood Teachers


  • Yuping Cao Faculty of Teacher Education, Yuxi Normal University; Yuxi, Yunnan, China
  • Lydia Yoke Yean Foong Taylor's University, Malaysia
  • Chengjun Zhang Faculty of Teacher Education, Yuxi Normal University; Yuxi, Yunnan, China
  • Yu Zhang Faculty of Education, Languages, Psychology & Music, SEGi University, Malaysia



Rural Early Childhood Teachers; Work Engagement; Professional Characteristics


Rural early childhood teachers' work engagement directly impacts their professional development and significantly influences the quality of the early childhood education system. However, rural early childhood teachers in China face numerous challenges in maintaining high levels of work engagement. This study used the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) to examine the relationship between professional characteristics and work engagement among 530 rural early childhood teachers. The results showed that teaching tenure, educational level, professional background, and other factors significantly affected their work engagement.

Author Biographies

Lydia Yoke Yean Foong, Taylor's University, Malaysia

Taylor's University, Malaysia

Chengjun Zhang, Faculty of Teacher Education, Yuxi Normal University; Yuxi, Yunnan, China

Faculty of Teacher Education, Yuxi Normal University; Yuxi, Yunnan, China

Yu Zhang, Faculty of Education, Languages, Psychology & Music, SEGi University, Malaysia

Faculty of Education, Languages, Psychology & Music, SEGi University, Malaysia



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How to Cite

Cao, Y., Foong, L. Y. Y., Zhang, C., & Zhang, Y. (2025). Research on Professional Characteristics Influencing Work Engagement of Rural Early Childhood Teachers. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 10(31).