Family Environment, Sibling Relationship and Rivalry towards Quality of Life
Sibling Rivalry, Family, Quality of Life, Socio-economic ImpactAbstract
Kinship, family composition and household dynamics among siblings are developed positively or negatively in early life right through adulthood. Hence, the purpose of this paper is highlight the importance of family environment in influencing sibling relationship, with emphasis on sibling rivalry. Determining the factors that contribute towards sibling competition is important in counselling and assisting individuals with family issues. From a quantitative research approach, the findings showed that sibling relationships are problematic and has led to jealousies and prejudices especially if parents take sides. Family ties depend on happy sibling interactions which indirectly affects socio-economic developments as social ills are resolved. In ameliorating these private and sensitive issues among family members, the holistic society will benefit psychologically and happiness as well as a better quality of life will be attained.
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