A Pre- and Post- MCCG 2012 Evaluation on the Impacts of Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital with Firm Performance
Corporate Governance, Intellectual Capital, MCCG 2012, Government-Linked CompaniesAbstract
This paper aims to examine and compare the impact of corporate governance (CG) and intellectual capital (IC) on firm performance (FP) between pre- Malaysia Code of Corporate Governance (MCCG) 2012 and post- MCCG 2012 of GLCs. Panel data analysis was used. The data were collected from the annual report of the 32 GLCs from 2005 to 2012 (pre- MCCG 2012) and from 2013 to 2020 (post- MCCG 2012). There was a total of 512 firm-year observations. The CG of post- MCCG 2012 has a greater impact on earnings per share (EPS) compared to pre- MCCG 2012. The IC of pre- MCCG 2012 has a greater impact on return on equity (ROE), Tobin's Q and EPS.
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