Multidisciplinary Approaches for Conservation and Awareness Programme at Langkawi Island


  • Wan Zaiyana Mohd Yusof Department of Industrial Design, College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA
  • Siti Salwa Isa Department of Industrial Design, College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA
  • Abu Ali Department of Industrial Design, College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA
  • Siti Suriawati Isa Department of Forestry Science and Biodiversity, Faculty of Forestry and Environment, Universiti Putra Malaysia



Awareness, Ecotourism, Forest Conservation , Multidisciplinary Study


The main objective of this study is to foster awareness among the university students from multiple backgrounds about the importance of preserving ecotourism area for the environment at an ecotourism sites in Langkawi Island. Multidisciplinary approaches were conducted to get rich data set of this study since no proper research had been done at the site before. The result gained, showed that students would be more aware and careful with their behavior once they joined the river awareness and conservation program hence the program will educate and raise more understanding about our environment for visitors and ecotourism stakeholders.


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How to Cite

Mohd Yusof, W. Z., Isa, S. S., Ali, A., & Isa , S. S. (2022). Multidisciplinary Approaches for Conservation and Awareness Programme at Langkawi Island . Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 7(SI9), 397–403.

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