Learning Style and English Argumentative Writing Proficiency – How They Complement Each Other


  • Jie Tian TangShan Vocational and Technical College, China
  • Soo Boon Ng Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Language, Psychology and Music, SEGi University, Malaysia




Learning Style, English Argumentative Writing Proficiency, Mixed-method Research Design, Teaching Strategies


Argumentative writing in a foreign language is challenging for non-native speakers. The study was conducted in a China Normal University with 356 English major participators to uncover whether specific Learning Style (Converging. Diverging, Assimilating, Accommodating) has a higher significant impact on English Argumentative Writing Proficiency (EAWP). This study employed an explanatory sequential mixed-method research design. Findings showed that Convergers obtained the highest mean score in EAWP, while Divergers gained the lowest. The interviews revealed that students with different LS generally underwent four similar writing procedures. However, they differ concerning the strategies they employ in the writing process.

Author Biography

Soo Boon Ng, Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Language, Psychology and Music, SEGi University, Malaysia

Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Language, Psychology and Music, SEGi University, Malaysia


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How to Cite

Tian, J., & Ng, S. B. (2024). Learning Style and English Argumentative Writing Proficiency – How They Complement Each Other. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 9(28), 139–145. https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v9i28.5909



Educational / Learning Environment