Inducing Website Design Innovation towards Customer Loyalty


  • Noorriati Din Faculty of Business Management, Puncak Alam UiTM Campus, 42300 Selangor Malaysia
  • Lennora Putit Faculty of Business Management, Puncak Alam UiTM Campus, 42300 Selangor Malaysia
  • Muhammad Naqib Mohd Noor Faculty of Business Management, Puncak Alam UiTM Campus, 42300 Selangor Malaysia



Website Design, Social Cue Design, Graphic Design, Customer Loyalty


Having an attractive and innovative web design could serve as a basis for both offline and online retailers to provide detailed information towards satisfying potential buying intention amongst online shoppers, and subsequently contribute traffic flow to the intended website. This study revealed that both graphic design and social cues attributes were found to have a positive and significant relationship with customer loyalty. Given the valuable experience to the site, the aim of this study is to investigate the extent to which website design attributes affects customer loyalty towards a particular brand or product.


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How to Cite

Din, N., Putit, L., & Mohd Noor, M. N. (2016). Inducing Website Design Innovation towards Customer Loyalty. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 1(3), 259–267.