Flexible Working Arrangements and Millennials During COVID-19 : Work Better Leads to Feel Better?
Flexible Working Arrangements, Mental Health, Well-being, Millennials, SDGAbstract
Malaysian millennials are reported to be struggling with stress and well-being issues at the workplace during the last decade. Drawing from the Self-Determination Theory, this study examines whether flexible working arrangements (FWAs) could impact millennials' mental health, well-being and productivity at the workplace. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 400 millennials in the services sector during the COVID-19 period. Findings revealed that FWAs influenced millennials' mental health, well-being, and productivity as millennials value job autonomy and a friendly work ecosystem as an ideal workplace. This sees a compelling case for Malaysian businesses to adopt FWAs in a more structured way in line with Sustainable Development Goal -3.
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