Mediating Role of Autonomy on FWA and WLB among Malaysian Academics


  • Lennora Putit Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA,
  • Geetha Subramaniam Faculty of Education, Language, Psychology & Music, SEGi University, Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, MALAYSIA,
  • Siti Halijah Shariff Arshad Ayub Graduate Business School, Universiti Teknologi MARA,Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA
  • Jayalakshmy Ramachandran Nottingham University Business School, University of Nottingham, Semenyih, Selangor MALAYSIA
  • Balasundram Maniam Finance Department, Sam Houston State University, Houston, USA



Autonomy, Flexible Working Arrangements (FWA), Work-life Balance (WLB), Academics


Many organizations are increasingly providing flexible work arrangements (FWA) to fulfil employees’ work-life balance (WLB), needs of happiness, well-being and productivity. This further affects WLB via a high sense of work autonomy observed. This study examines whether autonomy mediates the relationship between FWA and WLB. Using purposive sampling procedure, 302 usable online survey data were collected from university academics. Data analyses were carried out using SPSS and Smart PLS software. Results revealed a significant indirect influence of FWA on WLB, integrating well-being, happiness, and productivity through autonomy. Implementing FWA increases autonomy, which then increases the respective WLB. Discussions are elaborated.


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How to Cite

Putit, L., Subramaniam , G., Shariff , S. H., Ramachandran , J., & Maniam , B. (2023). Mediating Role of Autonomy on FWA and WLB among Malaysian Academics. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 8(25), 61–70.



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