Warehouse Automation Implementation Environment: Case of Central Warehouse Management in Mali, West Africa


  • Maricel Co School of Business, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Malaysia
  • Rohana Sham School of Business, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Malaysia
  • Noraini Ahmad School of Business, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Malaysia
  • Steve Acesor School of Business & Accountancy, Manuel S. Enverga University, Philippines




Automation, Environment, Implementation, Warehouse


The implementation of warehouse automation has proven to be an effective way to increase productivity and inventory accuracy, lower labor costs, and improve safety in the warehouse environment. This research aims to investigate the factors contributing to the success of warehouse automation implementation. This study offers a unique and modern warehouse automation environment model as a solution for complete implementation in warehouse automation operations. The study was conducted in Mali, West Africa. A total of 100 responses were collected among warehouse managers through an online Microsoft Forms survey. Smart PLS version 4.0 software was used to analyze the data.


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How to Cite

Co, M., Sham, R., Ahmad , N., & Acesor , S. (2023). Warehouse Automation Implementation Environment: Case of Central Warehouse Management in Mali, West Africa. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 8(26), 59–66. https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v8i26.5127



Commercial / Retail / Services Environment

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