Antecedents of Green Purchasing Intentions among Higher Education Population in Malaysia


  • Yan Hou Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Accounting, Yunnan Technology and Business University, China; Graduate School of Business, Segi University,Malaysia
  • Ratneswary Rasiah Graduate School of Business, Segi University,Malaysia
  • Ziyan Yuan Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Accounting, Yunnan Technology and Business University, China
  • Wanxin Ma Yunnan Provincial Audit Office, China



Child-Friendly Schools, School Landscape, Social Interaction, Mental Health


This empirical study aims to operationalize the relationship between the direct and indirect influence of factors on green purchase behavior through the mediation of green purchase intention in the context of the Malaysian higher education population. It employed Structural Equation Modeling to assess the strength of relationships between the constructs. The research findings indicate that green purchase intention mediates the relationship between its antecedents and green purchase behavior. This indirect effect is more prominent in the factors of environmental knowledge and green trust. The study helps scholars further understand the facilitating mechanisms of green purchase behavior.


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How to Cite

Hou, Y., Rasiah, R., Yuan, Z., & Ma, W. (2023). Antecedents of Green Purchasing Intentions among Higher Education Population in Malaysia. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 8(26), 329–336.