Evaluating the WeCare Program: A Study on the Acceptability, Appropriateness, and Feasibility
Community-Dwelling Older People, Cultural Adaptation, Occupation-Based, WeCare ProgramAbstract
Malaysia anticipates its elderly population will reach 15% by 2030, posing a significant challenge. Despite the worldwide and national emphasis on health and well-being, a gap exists in structured activities for elderly. The WeCare Program addresses this by offering an occupation-based, culturally tailored approach aimed at improving the engagement and well-being of older Malaysians. Conducted by occupational therapists across six districts in Kelantan, this program involved 30 elderly participants and was evaluated over six weeks. The results indicate that the program was highly accepted (M=4.94; SD=0.22), appropriate (M=4.85; SD= 0.20), and feasible (M=4.88; SD=0.33) for implementation among the target population.
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