Dimensional Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Creativity and Innovation in Malaysia's Multigenerational Workforce
Use of Emotions, Self Emotional Appraisal, Regulation of Emotion, Emotional IntelligenceAbstract
Employers must cultivate a conducive environment for employee innovation and productivity. This study focused on the impact of emotional intelligence (EI) on creativity and innovation among multi-generational employees in Kuala Lumpur's financial sector. 132 employees participated, with results analyzed using SPSS and SmartPls version 4. Findings reveal that only the Use of Emotions (UOE) dimension significantly boosts creativity, while age moderates the link between creativity and innovation. This study offers insights valuable for recruitment, training, and organizational management. It contributes fresh perspectives to existing knowledge, marking the first of its kind in this context.
Keywords: Use of Emotions; Self Emotional Appraisal; Regulation of Emotion; Emotional Intelligence
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