Shaping Consumers’ Attitude and Purchase Intention towards Halal Sustainable Organic Food Products
Halal Sustainable Organic Food Products, Halal Awareness & Certification, Theory of Planned Behaviour, Purchase IntentionAbstract
Increased global recognition of organic food has prompted developed nations to adopt ecological agriculture concepts. This trend is also reflected within the sustainable Halal (permissible) organic food sector. This study examines whether Halal awareness, certification, social influences, and promotion affect consumers' attitude and subsequently, intention to purchase Halal organic food in Malaysia. Using convenient sampling technique, online surveys were conducted with 200 usable responses. A Smart PLS statistical software was used for data analyses. Results revealed that Halal awareness, certification, and social influence significantly affect attitudes, which, in turn, significantly influence consumers' intentions to purchase Halal organic food products. Implications are addressed.
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