Vol. 6 No. 17 (2021): Aug. 9th Asian Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies, AcE-Bs2021, 28-29 Jul 2021

					View Vol. 6 No. 17 (2021): Aug. 9th Asian Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies, AcE-Bs2021, 28-29 Jul 2021

Further to our first hybrid (F2F + Virtual) conference, the 33rd international AicQoL2021BukitTinggi, Pahang on 17-18 Mar 2021, our 34th international conference, the WoS-indexed AcE-Bs2021 (9th Asian Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies),   was supposed to be held at Perdana Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia from 28-29 Jul 2021. However, the prolonged uncertainty of the Movement Control Order (MCO) due to the Covid 19 pandemic, had led us to organize it virtually from the Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying (FSPU), Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia.

The AcE-Bs2021 focuses on Environment-Behaviour issues affecting the Asian/African/Arabian communities in both their countries and nons. Issues affecting other communities are also most welcomed.

Published: 2021-08-15

Children / Youth Environment


Commercial / Retail / Services Environment

Construction Environment

Design / Creative Environment

Educational / Learning Environment

Elderly Environment

Health / Healing Environment

Inclusive / Less Abled Environment

Legal Matters

Leisure / Recreational / Sports Environment

Local Cultural / Heritage Environment (Food included)

Management / Production Environment

Residential Environment

Sustainable Environment

Travel / Transportation Environment