Vol. 6 No. SI4 (2021): Jul. Special Issue No. 4. CSSR2019PulauPinang, 04-05 Dec 2019
The Institute of Research Management & Innovation (IRMI) Universiti Teknologi MARA has constantly and relevantly drive the research community to achieve tremendous output. One of the continuous efforts conducted by IRMI is organizing CSSR in order to facilitate publication of research findings in high quality journals and enhance the visibility of researchers locally and internationally.
“Research and Innovation for Society and Economy - RISE!†is the theme for CSSR2019. This is consistent with the scope and objectives of CSSR2019. CSSR2019 covers multi-disciplinary research areas from science and technology to social science and humanities. The conference track is divided into three major areas namely, Engineering, Science & Technology, Clinical & Health Sciences and Arts, Humanities & Social sciences. The conference will bring together researchers, academicians, scientists, and practitioners from Malaysia and abroad to present their latest research findings and share new innovative ideas, knowledge, and technologies related to these three conference topics.
CSSR opens up opportunities for researchers to share their research outcomes, and expand their networking beyond their own specific field.